Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Lady's Perfect Scrambled Eggs

You're going to start noticing a theme on here. I'm trying not to make it TOO obvious... but I have a feeling my readers are smarter than I'm giving you credit for. I'm a HUGE fan of Ms Paula Deen. Most of my tried and true recipes come from her... possibly because she makes incredibly yummy amped up comfort food look so incredibly easy.

I love to entertain, mainly because I love to feed people. It worked out great that my chunky-monkey (aka baby Noah) likes to eat. My favorite, though, is when my hubby's guy friends come to town and stay with us. It's like they revert to being teenage boys again, eating everything in sight, typically junk that their wives don't want them eating.
But hey, I appreciate it. I get to test out new "larger" recipes on them. I'm still working on losing the postpartum weight, so eating a big bowl of lasagna every night just isn't going to happen. Noah still doesn't eat much big people food. And my husband can't eat it all himself, as much as he wishes he could. So having a big group of guys to make this stuff for is perfect.

My favorite meal to make is breakfast. It's easy, filling, and fun.
Having that many boys over, I needed a way to stretch eggs. Which is how I found this recipe. It's perfect if you like scrambled eggs, but need a little something more to them. A more "grown up" version, maybe?

Anyway, it's simple and will feed a lot of people. It's actually perfect if you have family coming into town for the holidays and need an easy (but impressive) breakfast option. (Who wants turkey for every meal??)


 The Lady's Perfect Scrambled Eggs

  • 8 eggs
  • 2 heaping tablespoons sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese


In a medium size bowl, beat eggs, sour cream, water, and salt and pepper until fluffy. Using a nonstick frying pan, melt butter and cook eggs over low heat, stirring occasionally. Stir in the cheese. Cook until you reach desired consistency.

[it says it serves 4, but you could totally make it feed at least 6... keep in mind, this is Paula Deen. She tends to serve a little more than most would eat. :) ]


  1. I have a girlfriend coming over tomorrow for brunch. I'm definitely going to try these along with some Jimmy Dean breakfast potatoes mixed with ham. Finish with sweet rolls. Sound good? :-)

    Do you have any good recipes for scalloped corn? Or creamed corn? How would you cook turkey breasts? How about stuffing? Bring on the thanksgiving recipes! I'm having my parents over for a pre-turkey day dinner the weekend before and I need some recipes!

  2. lol! I definitely have an awesome creamed corn and stuffing recipe I'll share. I've never tried cooking turkey breasts, mainly because I prefer ham (it's not as dry and it's less stressful).
